Enable Magazine

At Enable we pride ourselves on bringing exclusive, current content that is pertinent to the disabled community. And the latest issue is no different.

You can read and share the latest issue by following this link: https://issuu.com/dcpublishing/docs/en_as20

We connected with many members of the disabled community to hear about their experiences in and out of lockdown. From diary entries of a life in lockdown, to families sharing the highs and lows of raising a child with a disability in lockdown whilst services are on pause.

Former teacher, Caroline Coster shares her journey to recovery after overcoming COVID-19 led to sepsis and, ultimately, Caroline becoming a quadruple amputee – her passion for life is palpable.

And we look at the changes being made in the workplace for the disabled community all the way to support and guidance for people who are struggling to adapt to a change in routine.

Plus – as we believe nobody should be left behind – we have an exciting subscription offer where readers can purchase a one- or two-year subscription and gift a subscription to a friend, at no additional cost.