Patricia Sadler Osteopath

It is with great sadness that I have to let you know that Patricia Sadler, has reluctantly decided to stand down from her position as Osteopath at the Centre.  Patricia has been with us for over 5 years and has also raised a significant amount of funds for the centre through her singing performances.  There are a few reasons she has decided to leave, one of which is the increased demand on her time at her private practice.  Patricia will still be working for us throughout September and is offering the following dates and times for bookings:

7th, 14th, 21st, 28th September

Times: 9.15, 10.15, 11.15, 12.15, 1.15, 2.15, 3.15

Please email sue on to make a booking.  The Centre will not be manned until Wednesday 2nd September.

I’m sure you will miss Patricia and we all wish her the very best.  Patricia will support us in the search for a replacement as much as she can.  If you know anyone who might be interested please let Sue or Andy know asap.