The centre is planning to open for Oxygen

The centre is planning to open for Oxygen initially to MS members ONLY from Thursday 3rd September.  (The gym will also be open but will need to be booked).  We will only be able to accommodate 3 people per session due to social distancing.  We are still working on the logistics of this, it is likely that the following will happen.  You must be aware and declare that you understand you are coming in at your own risk.  The Committee will be looking at the logistics of opening up for physiotherapy, osteopathy, footcare and massage and I will keep you posted.  I am still furloughed but making a start on things.  If you have any queries please email me for the time being as I am only in the office once a week.
Procedure (still in draft form):

  • Member to arrive at the centre and wait in their car, to be called in
  • Member should confirm that they have no symptoms of Covid19
  • Members should wear a mask that you can either bring with you, or you can make a donation for one at the centre.  The centre masks are CE Certified masks, Type IIR
  • Sue will take your temperature before you enter the building
  • Use hand sanitiser outside the main door before entering the building
  • Bring in your own water and container
  • No socialising at all, so no tea/coffee/biscuits
  • Do not bring anyone else with you unless necessary, if you do they will need to wait in the car.
  • Oxygen masks should be put on as soon as you enter the chamber.  Breathing may require some effort before the tank is pressured.  You need to keep you mask on until the end of depressurisation. 
  • You will need to sanitise your own masks using soap and water at home.
  • The chamber (inc door handles, chair arms, etc) and oxygen pipes will be sanitised by the volunteers after every session.
  • We are looking at going cashless and currently looking into this.
  • If you need the toilet you will need to sanitise it after use, products will be provided
  • There is also a 5 litre hand sanitiser on the main table in the reception area
  • If you feel unwell you should not come in and if you feel unwell within 2 weeks of being at the centre you will need to tell us promptly
  • To use the gym you need to telephone to book, only 2 people allowed at one time.  The equipment needs to be cleaned after each use, which will be done by Sue or a volunteer.

Please bear with us in these testing times.  We will do everything possible to make sure the centre is safe for our members.