Oxford UK Age February Update

Dear Readers,

We hope you have had a good January! 

A few bits of news for you, some from us and some from our partners.

We have just updated our class timetable. Here is the link LINK TO CLASS TIMETABLE

Additions and Changes to some of our Strength & Balance classes

Windmill Community Centre, Hempton Road, Deddington OX15 0QH Tuesdays 12.00- 13.00  New class

Eynsham Baptist Church, Lombard St, Eynsham, Witney OX29 4HT Wednesday 14.30 – 15.30 New class starting  19th Feb

Witney High Street Methodist Church (Bethany Room), 40 High Street, Witney OX28 6HG Wednesday 13.00 – 14.00 there was a class at 11.45 which is closing 12 Feb 

Milton under Wychwood Village Hall, Shipton Road, Milton under Wychwood, OX7 6JW Wednesday 9.45 – 10.45 and 11.00 – 12.00 there are now two classes

The Beacon, Portway, Wantage, Oxon, OX12 9BX Thursday 9.15 – 10.15 am and 10.30 – 11.30 am now two classes
Northcourt Centre, Northcourt Road, Abingdon OX14 1NS Monday 12.30 – 13.30 and  13.45 – 14.45 now two classes

M is for Motivation!

If you struggle to get motivated to be active, try some of these easy-to-do ideas to get started. We’d love to hear if you found any of them useful!     
 •    Stretch! Raise your arms up above your head and lengthen your whole body.
•    Listen to music, an audiobook or a podcast while lifting weights or going for a walk
•    Window shopping while walking and carrying shopping (cardio and weight training in one!)
•    Try a competitive sport (you’ll probably forget you’re even exercising as you’ll be so focused on the game!)
•    Take photographs on a walk. Being outdoors and getting that natural daylight is also great for your vitamin D levels. Just 5—15 mins of sunlight is enough to make a real positive difference. 
•    Instead of chatting with a friend over coffee, chat while walking, stretching, or strength training.
•    Walk or play fetch with a dog. If you don’t own a dog, offer to take a neighbour’s dog for a walk
•    Go for a run, walk, or cycle when you’re feeling stressed—and see how much better you feel afterwards. Try it!
•    Try a home exercise DVD (Generation Games at Home is free to request), or search the internet for free exercise videos. Set yourself a timer to do e.g. 10 mins and no more. It’ll be finished before you realise and just starting you may find you are motivated to carry on…
The Oxfordshire Care Awards 2020
Do you know someone who deserves to be recognised and celebrated at the Oxfordshire Care Awards 2020 – Inspiration for All? Formerly the Dignity in Care Awards, Age UK Oxfordshire is working in partnership with Action for Carers Oxfordshire and Oxfordshire Association of Care Providers to celebrate statutory and independent care providers, the community/voluntary sector and unpaid carers. There are 3 ways to nominate: pick up a nomination form from our office or call 01235 52046 to request one, download a fillable PDF nomination form or complete an online nomination form.

Nominations close on the 14th February 2020.

Visit https://oacp.org.uk/oxfordshire-care-awards-2020-inspiration-for-all We are currently looking for a male participant. Please call 0345 450 1276 for more details to take part!That’s all for now, but please do get in touch if there is anything we can help with, whether you tried any simple ideas to get motivated, or let us know what you’d like to us feature in future newsletters.

Best wishes,
Generation Games