Financial position of the Centre

The accounts for last year show that the Centre made a loss of approximately £10,000 in 2019. Whilst we have reserves that will cover us for the medium term, this is not a situation that is sustainable in the long term.

There are several ways that all members could help:
1. Suggested donations for treatments. These are kept as low as possible to enable as many people as possible to benefit. However, if you are able to give more, that would help. 

2. Collections. As in past years, we will be doing collections in the summer. Often, despite the fact that we have over 100 members, we don’t have enough people who are willing to give up an hour and a half to do this. Please sign up to do a slot if you are able. Actually, it’s surprisingly enjoyable and interesting. 

3. Sponsorship. Many of us can’t run marathons or climb mountains, but have children, friends, neighbours, etc who can and do. Would they be willing to choose us as their charity? 

4. Fundraising. Any ideas? Do you know anyone who works for an organisation that has a charity of the year?

5. Legacies. We should all update our wills every so often. How about leaving a legacy to OMSTC? 

6. 100 Club. For £5 a month, take part in a monthly draw. Half of the money raised is for prizes (1st, 2nd & 3rd), half the money goes to OMSTC. So obviously the more people are in it, the bigger the prize.

7. Home collection pots. Available from the Centre to put in your home so that visitors can put some coins in. It’s surprising how it all adds up.

8. Collecting tins. Put a collecting tin in your local pub or shop
All treatments at OMSTC for MS people are subsidised quite heavily. If we do not raise more income from collections, sponsorships, fundraising or legacies, the committee will have no option but to revisit suggested donations. It would be wonderful if every member could take action on one of the five points above.

Sue Doran

Centre Manager