Research request from Kings College London

Source Kings College London: “I am a third-year psychology student at King’s College London, currently assisting a PhD student, Jowinn Chew (cc’d in this email), on her research supervised by Dr Colette Hirsch and Prof Rona Moss-Morris from the Health Psychology Department. The research is focusing on identifying the cognitive mechanisms which underpin and maintain anxiety surrounding illness uncertainty within MS.

At the moment we are in the process of developing a new cognitive bias modification for interpretation(CBM-I) intervention specifically for MS population, and I am wondering if you would be willing to pass on my information to any people with MS who would be willing to help us/ put up a poster regarding this research (attached in this email).

We use PPI (Patient and Public Involvement) in research to help us understand the views, needs, and priorities of patients. This involvement can ensure that the research is as useful, accessible and meaningful as possible, as well as acting in the best interests of affected patients. For more information, please also refer to the attached information sheet in this email.

In regards to the current research, this may involve 1) Reviewing some learning materials for developing our new intervention; 2) Telling us more about their specific MS symptoms through short interviews; 3) Testing out another similar online learning platform for Parkinson’s disease and giving us feedback on how we could improve in creating a similar learning platform solely for MS.

Interested? Have more questions? 
Email  Jowinn or Milton
Phone 07793 089786 / 0745 6134518