McTimoney Chiropractic Care

Natalie our chiropractor has been here nearly 6 months now.  She is looking to extend her hours and is now available from 10am, every Thursday.

Whilst chiropractic cannot halt or reverse MS, it can offer symptomatic relief of pain which comes from wheelchair use, trauma from falls and altered posture. Treatments can take place either on the bench or wheelchair users restricted in mobility can be adjusted in their chair if preferred.
Chiropractic care focuses on musculoskeletal care and spinal health and is a hands-on, evidence based form of spinal and joint manipulation.

In a study of chiropractic care conducted amongst members of UK MS therapy centres, 42% of those surveyed utilised chiropractic care with the majority stating that they did so to manage their MS symptoms. “It likely that most utilise chiropractic care to manage pain, as this is one of the commonest symptoms”. (Carson et al, 2009. Chiropractic care amongst people with multiple sclerosis: A survey of MS therapy centres in the UK).