“Diagnose and adios”. This was the phrase used to describe the management of multiple sclerosis (MS) up until the mid-1990s

Source MS Trust: The Risk Sharing Scheme: What is it and how has it made a difference for people with MS?

Diagnose and adios

“Diagnose and adios”. This was the phrase used to describe the management of multiple sclerosis (MS) up until the mid-1990s.

It’s hard to fathom today, but back then neurologists had little to offer people with MS by way of drugs and treatments and many were left to deal with complex and unpredictable symptoms alone.  “Neurologists routinely told people like me ‘You’ve got MS – go home and learn to live with it’,” MS Trust co-founder Chris Jones remembers.

The landscape was bleak. MS specialist nurses were few and far between, research into the condition was limited and, understandably, hope was in short supply.  Read on.