Milton Park July Newsletter

July Newsletter
Milton Park 2040 Vision
A message from Philip Campbell to tell you about our latest project: The Milton Park 2040 vision. Please take part in the first step survey and share with your peers and colleagues.
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On-site News
Isansys wireless technology wins award
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Don’t forget about the TuesdayWandering Feast
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Summer Yoga classes
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Summer Party follow up
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Off-site News
Marriott Hotel update
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Travel Update
Dates for the Diary


Aug 1st 2018
Bike 2 Work
Join us again for the Bike 2 Work and receive your free breakfast from Café Metro.
Aug 6th 2018
High Content Imaging Demonstration
Discover how high content imaging can advance your research.
Aug 13th 2018
Repair IT Clinic
Pop along for a free maintenance check on your hardware or software.
Sept 6th 2018
Mingle at Milton Park
Don’t lose the summer you! Join us in finding out all about health and wellbeing.
Innovation Centre, 99 Park Drive, Milton Park, OX14 4RY
T: 01235 865555 E: