The MS Society explore 5 myths about cannabis and MS

Source MS Society:

There’s mounting evidence to show that cannabis could help pain and muscle spasms for people with MS. But with tonnes of information swirling around the internet, it’s hard to be sure what’s true and what’s not.

We dived into the details to bust 5 common myths about cannabis and MS:

1. ‘Cannabis for medicinal use’ means any kind of cannabis

This can be confusing, as the media often refers to both licensed cannabis products and the illegal drug as ‘medicinal cannabis’.

What medical professionals usually mean by ‘medicinal cannabis’ or ‘medical cannabis’ is cannabis products licensed as medical treatments. So for MS, that means Sativex, which is specifically licensed to treat muscle spasms and stiffness in MS. Journalists or other people using the phrase could mean cannabis used for any medical purpose.

We’re calling for the Government to legalise cannabis for two medicinal purposes: to treat pain and spasticity when other treatments haven’t worked.  Read on.