Don’t get caught out in a power cut – register with the free SSE Priority Service

It doesn’t matter who your electricity supplier is, if you are disabled you can register to receive the Free SSE Priority Service.

“We all rely on electricity day to day for various things, but for some, a power cut can be particularly distressing and difficult. That’s why we offer extra help and support during a power cut. Registering for our Priority Services helps us to help you when you need it most. All our priority services are free.

Benefits of joining our Priority Services Register

We can’t promise your electricity will never go off, but if it does, we will do what we can to make sure you have the support you need, when you need it.

Our service offers:

  • Dedicated 24 hour priority services phone number.
  • Priority updates during a power cut.
  • Nominate someone for us to contact on your behalf.
  • Provide information in the format you need, for example Braille or audio CD.
  • Security password to keep you safe.

Who is eligible to join our Priority Services Register?

You can join our Priority Services Register if you:

  • Are dependent on electricity for home medical care, for example a kidney dialysis machine or ventilator.
  • Have a chronic illness or short term medical condition; for example you are recovering from a major operation.
  • Are disabled.
  • Have special communication needs; for example because you are blind, partially sighted, deaf or hard of hearing.
  • Have children under 5.
  • Are over 60 years old.

We recognise some of our customers may need support in other ways during power cuts. If you have other needs and feel you will need extra help in the event of a power cut, please contact us to discuss.”

For more information and to register click here.