Carers Oxfordshire

Although June has not been the sunniest ever, Carers Oxfordshire brightened the dull wet days by wearing yellow and ‘Shining for Carers’ throughout National Carers Week and beyond. Thank you to all of you who helped with events, activities and awareness raising throughout another very successful week.

‘Time Out For Carers’

I am attaching information about our exciting new service which is just launching, ‘Time Out for Carers’. This is a voluntary support service for carers provided by our partner organisation, Guideposts, offering short respite breaks through a range of options in the home and out in the community.  For more information please email or telephone Ben Reynolds on 01993 899980/0781 5559 479.

‘Rally Round’

Also, very exciting news about our new online service which is bringing together Oxfordshire carers to help their loved ones stay safe and well at home. Rally Round is a free digital network which enables family members, friends and carers to create and organise support for themselves and the person they care for. Rally Round, is backed by Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group (OCCG) and Carers Oxfordshire and was designed to help frail older people and their family carers, but can be used to help anyone who needs more practical support. Again I have attached a leaflet and if you would like any more information please don’t hesitate to contact my colleague Michelle Evans on 01235 849470 or email Hard copies of both these leaflets are available from this office.

Please keep the date – Thursday 1st December 2016 for our 4th not to be missed annual ‘Caring Matters Conference’ celebrating National Carers Right Day. I have attached a flier for the event and further details will follow next month, including information about how to book your place!

I would like to take this opportunity to extend a huge thank you to the new High Sheriff of Oxfordshire, Mrs Sarah Taylor who has chosen to support carers in her year in office.  Sarah held a magnificent fundraising event for carers at her home at Rycote Park on Saturday 25th June and we are eternally grateful to her for her ongoing support this year.

“I have chosen in my year to highlight the plight of carers: those unsung people, both adults and children, who look after relatives, friends and neighbours who are ill or disabled. Carers often experience isolation and ill-health and those 1 in 10 of children who are carers suffer both socially and academically.”  Sarah Taylor.

Catherine Blaxhall

Head of Carers Support, OxBEL & MLMD

Action for Carers (Oxfordshire)

Tel: 01235 424 715

Direct Line: 01235 849472

Mob: 0755 7430 881

Level 2 | The Charter | Abingdon | Oxfordshire | OX14 3LZ