Relapsing Remitting Multiple Sclerosis

My name is Virginie Louvel and I am a Senior Research Executive at Opinion Health, a London based market research agency.

We are inviting a select number of people who have been diagnosed with Relapsing Remitting Multiple Sclerosis and are currently receiving a disease modifying therapy (DMT) to take part in a national wide project to learn about their treatment preferences and how they take their medicines.

Participation in this research is completely voluntary. All participants who successfully complete the 20-minute online survey will receive an incentive for their time and interest. We have received an ethical approval for this project.

We would be grateful if we could disseminate information about this research to your members.

As a token of appreciation for your help, we will be making a donation to your organisation to support your work in this area.

Opinion Health adheres to BHBIA codes of conduct enduring confidentiality and anonymity to participants in our projects. This research is conducted in accordance with all relevant industry guidelines regarding anonymity, confidentiality, and the ethical practice of healthcare research.  All information collected will be used for research purposes only and no answer can be linked to any individual participant.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Virginie Louvel

Senior Research Executive


Opinion Health

11 Poland Street

London W1F 8QA

T: +44 (0) 207 486 6660

F: +44 (0) 207 084 6649