F.A.O Neuro Specialist Physios/ Occupational Therapists/ MS Nurses/ Social Care Specialists

Quantum M.R. on behalf of doctors.net would like to invite you to fill in a survey regarding the management of patients with Multiple Sclerosis. This study is intended for the above stated health care professionals that have at least one patient with MS at present and should take no longer than 15mins to complete. Each participant will be offered £15 or more, which can be paid to them directly or to any charity of their choice. The deadline for completion of this study is now Friday 22nd November 2013. This questionnaire is entirely anonymous and there are no right or wrong answers. During this questionnaire you will be asked to provide best estimates of your caseload.

Should you be interested please feel free to contact me on 07864643877 or by replying to this email, further information can also be provided relevant to your specific health care profession.